Safety is our number one priority at Regency Jet.

All of our staff, and anyone who provides services to our company, are encouraged to take part in our safety reporting system and to bring to our attention any matter where there is a safety concern.

The company invests in an active Safety Management System (“SMS”) which is headed by our Accountable Manager in partnership with our Safety Manager and other post holders within the company.

Together we identify any hazards that could affect our operation and decide how best to put in place barriers to maintain our high safety standards.


Here is an extract of the Safety Policy statement which is endorsed by our Accountable Manager:

“Regency Jet Limited is committed to providing a safe and healthy workplace for its employees and customers by meeting and wherever possible exceeding health and safety standards. The company is also committed to observing all legal requirements and best practices.

Safety is of paramount concern in all decisions that the company makes and all managers must ensure that this policy is rigorously applied within all parts of the company. Management is also responsible for providing appropriate resources to ensure that all employees have not only the training to recognize hazards but also the equipment to help them perform their individual work safely.

Safety is everyone’s responsibility, both on the ground and in the air, so that it is the duty of all employees to bring to the attention of their colleagues and management any potentially unsafe practices or situations.”

Within our SMS we take note of information provided by leading aviation bodies, and together with the information we gather from our own reports, we are able to create a safe environment for our operation at Regency Jet.

If you become involved with our company in any way and have any thoughts or ideas concerning safety, please contact our Safety Manager by email at We would love to hear from you.